Pastoral Support Lead
Healthy Together 0-19 (Health Visiting and School Nursing)
Healthy Together is a universal service for children and their families from 0-19 in Leicester city and 0-11 in Leicestershire and Rutland, and includes health visiting and school nursing services.
We offer services for every child and their family – from before the baby is born right up to the age of 19 in Leicester city and 11 in Leicestershire and Rutland. Children will be seen by a public health nurse (health visitor) six times before the age of 2 with health and wellbeing being assessed at key points in their school life (Reception, Years 6, 7, 9, & 11).
Referral criteria
Healthy Together is a universal service for children and their families from 0-19 in Leicester city and 0-11 in Leicestershire and Rutland. If you would like to discuss a referral to the service, please ring the Healthy Together helpline on 0300 3003001, where you will be directed to the contact details of the appropriate neighbourhood team.
Leicester City Council: Household Support Fund
If you require support with utility bills/food vouchers and your child is entitled to Free School Meals: either visit: or speak with Amy Harris (pastoral support lead)
Parent surgery
Please if you would like to book a meeting with Amy Harris the Pastoral Support Lead please contact the school office to book an appointment either through the office.