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Dovelands Primary School

A Rights Respecting School


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Foundation stage

Early Years Foundation Stage


Welcome to the Foundation Stage section of our website.  Our Foundation Stage environment is split into two provisions which are;


Foundation 1 (Nursery)

Children start with us in the Autumn Term following their 3rd birthday. Our Foundation 1 provision is open from 09:00 - 15:00 daily and is called The Owlets. Our morning session runs from 09:00 - 12:00 daily (15 hours). Our afternoon session runs from 12:00 - 15:00 daily (15 hours). Children can also attend full-time from 09:00 - 15:00 (30 hours). Children who attend full-time or for afternoon sessions must bring a packed lunch with them.


Foundation 2 (Reception)

Children start in the Autumn Term following their 4th birthday. Our Foundation 2 provision is open from 08:50 - 15:10 daily (gates open at 08:40). We have three Foundation 2 classes known as The Sparrows, The Robins and The Wrens. Lunchtime for children in Foundation 2 is 11:45 - 12:45 and children can either have a hot meal at school or bring in a packed lunch.
