Welcome & Contact Details
We are proud to be a Gold UNICEF Rights Respecting School.
I am delighted to welcome you to Dovelands Primary School. I feel very lucky and proud to be the headteacher of such a special school working with wonderful children and a committed, hardworking staff. We are well supported by our parents and carers, experienced governing body and the wider community. You feel the positive, welcoming atmosphere as soon as you enter the building and see lots of smiling faces.
We believe children only have one chance in education and we aim to make it the best possible. We have the highest of aspirations for our children to achieve their potential in all areas and aim to develop their talents whatever these may be. We want our pupils to have fantastic, exciting memories of their primary school and leave with an enthusiasm for lifelong learning, the skills to succeed in their future lives and become responsible, happy adults. Our exciting curriculum inside and beyond the classroom underpins this and supports their developing moral values and respect for others.
We hope you will find all the information you need on our website but if you have any questions or wish to arrange a visit, please phone the office to make an appointment.
Miss Slinger.
About Us
Dovelands is located in the Western Park area of Leicester approximately one and a half miles to the west of the City centre. We are an ‘all through’ primary school catering for children across the 3 to 11 age range. At present we have 550 children on roll including the children in our part-time Early Years Foundation Stage classes, which makes us one of the largest Primary schools in the city.
Dovelands is a popular school which benefits from having parents who are interested in their children’s education and who wish to work closely with the school. Parents give generously of their time and skills and there is always a good response to initiatives that call for their support.
Despite being such a large school, there is a strong sense of community within and beyond the school, with many links to cultural and sporting organisations in the locality.
School vision and values
At Dovelands Primary School, we work hard to maintain a set of values that have purpose and meaning. We hope that our entire community will work together, recognising the roles they play and the strengths they bring. We want every member of staff, every pupil and every parent to feel that their opinion is valued and to believe collectively in the school’s direction of travel.
School ethos
All staff, children and parents at Dovelands are expected to follow the ethos of the school: