Fundamental British Values
Promoting British Values at Dovelands Primary School
When defining the social element of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (SMSC) OFSTED September 2014 states. ‘The social development of pupils is shown by their…... acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain’.
Fundamental British Values
At Dovelands Primary School, we ensure that the five fundamental British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are promoted and reinforced throughout our school curriculum and within school life.
British values are integral to Dovelands Primary School vision …‘We are valued and our differences are appreciated, we celebrate the achievements and success of every individual, we are part of a community’. The values are promoted through the curriculum including PSED, RE, Thinking Skills, School Council, UNICEF and assemblies.
In accordance with the Department for Education, we provide the following opportunities to ensure our pupils experience and deepen their understanding of the British values;
- Pupil voice – pupils are encouraged to express their views and the school ensures that they are listened to and valued
- Pupils are taught how they can influence decision-making through the democratic process. They learn about the democratic process, at a local and national level.
- School Council, UNICEF and Eco-Warrior representatives are elected through a democratic process
- Weekly Class discussions and Votes for School meetings are held and contribute to whole school changes
- Class Scrap books have contributions from pupils including photographs and examples of work
- Circle Time, PSED and Assemblies provide opportunities for pupils to work together in activities, listen to each other, formulate ideas and voice these respectfully
- Pupil participation in Class Charters that are signed by all the children
- Whole School Reading displays and classroom displays ensure children’s work is appreciated by all
- A broad and general knowledge of democracy is developed through topics such as History, where pupils learn about these values throughout time and Geography, where pupils look at how different cultures live and work throughout the world
Rule of Law
- Ensure school rules and expectations are clear and fair and displayed in each classroom.
- Help pupils to respect the law and understand their rights by referring to the UNICEF Charter
- Reading and reviewing the school behaviour policy within classes
- Teaching pupils to distinguish right from wrong within RE, PSED, Thinking skills and Mindset lessons.
- Complete records of house points and collate information for GTBG weekly assemblies
- Celebrate personal achievements and successes using proud moments, class assemblies and displays
Individual liberty
- Provide a safe and supportive environment to enable children to become independent learners
- Implementation of a strong anti-bullying culture and promotion of UNICEF rights
- Celebrate children’s successes and achievements through Show and Tell and certificates
- Use Class Charters and E-Safety learning to protect pupils and identify risks to their personal freedom
- Thinking skills and Mindset work encourage children to explore, question and voice their beliefs
- Support pupils to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence through PSHE, Expressive Arts and Music, Sports and extra-curricular activities
- Golden Time and Choosing Time encourage children to understand and exercise their rights to leisure time
Mutual respect
- Teaching the RE curriculum using the Agreed Syllabus which values understanding, tolerance and respect for others, including those of other faiths
- Significant Events are marked throughout the school – Remembrance Day, Fairtrade Fortnight, World Book Day.
- The school ethos and behaviour policy revolve around 'respect' as a core value linked to ‘Good to be green’.
- Class discussions and assemblies focus on what respect means and how it is shown within school and the wider community
- Inclusion of all pupils and families through class assemblies, Expressive Arts and Sporting Events.
- Charity fundraising provides pupils with the opportunity to learn about the wider community and global issues– Water Aid, Sport Relief, LOROS, Food banks, Sports Relief and Children in Need
Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
- Celebration of Festivals – Diwali, Chinese New Year, Easter, Christmas
- Wider school community links i.e. Syrian scholars visit school.
- Promote respect for individual differences using PSHE Jigsaw Scheme of Learning
- Help pupils to acquire an understanding of, and respect for, their own and other cultures and ways of life, through RE curriculum
- A ‘language of the month’ subject promotes different languages and French is taught as a second language in KS2
- Parents and members of different faiths or religions are also encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences to the school community
- Visiting different places of worship to encounter diversity of faiths and beliefs first hand i.e. Church, Mosque, Temple.
- Challenge prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour across the school