Dovelands Virtual Sports Day
Dear Parents/Carers,
Unfortunately this academic year we are unable to celebrate and enjoy sports day at school in the way that we normally would. However I have decided that I would still like to host a virtual sports day where the whole family can take part in activities and we can coincide our virtual sports day at the same time as the Youth Sports Trusts National School Sport Week.
Therefore from the week beginning Monday 22nd June until Friday 26th June I would like you to take part in some different activities that I have selected. It is entirely up to you how many of the activities you would like to participate in over the course of the week. All that I ask is that as a family you have lots of fun. There will also be a score card that can be completed.
Please do send your photos, videos and the score sheet by emailing them to your child’s class teacher as they do really enjoy looking at what the children are doing.
Have Fun,
Mr Amoroso
Virtual Sports Day

Dovelands Virtual Sports Day Activity Instructions
Activity 1: Throw and Catch With a Partner
Standing 2 metres apart can you throw an object back and forth with a partner as many times as possible in 30 seconds. You can catch the object with one or two hands. Every time a catch is made that counts as 1 point.
Activity 2: Standing Long Jump
Standing with your feet shoulder width apart you are going to bend your knees, swing your arms back and then drive your arms forward while at the same time jumping forward. You must land with both feet touching the ground at the same time. The back of your heel is where the measurement is taken from.
Activity 3: Agility Sprint Run (5 metre distance)
Run as fast as you can continually between two objects for 30 seconds. The objects should be spaced 5 metres apart. Every time you touch the object that counts as 1 shuttle completed.
Activity 4: Bottle Flip
Fill a small bottle so it is approximately about a 1/3 or a 1/4 full of water. Then see how many times out of 10 you can flip the bottle onto a flat surface and land it on its base. The bottle must complete a full turn before landing.
Activity 5: Speed Bounce
Roll up a soft object for example a towel that can placed vertically on the floor. Standing on one side of the towel you need to continually jump over it from side to side ensuring that you take off and land on two feet. For a jump to count both feet must touch the floor at the same time. See how many successful jumps you can make in 30 seconds.
Dovelands Virtual Sports Day Score Card
Youth Sport Trust
National School Sport Week At Home 2020
How it works
The YST will provide everyone who registers with free videos and activity cards to help you plan a series of challenges across National School Sport Week at Home. You will receive these well in advance of the week itself so you'll have plenty of time to plan your activities. The active challenges will all have an emphasis on togetherness, inclusivity and wellbeing. The activities will be things you can do within the home, and where you can engage in straightforward virtual competition with friends, neighbours and family outside your home.
Click on the link below to find out how you as a family can get involved in National School Sport Week. Give it a go and have some fun!
real PE at home – online learning resources
real PE at home includes an online programme which supports families to be active, play and learn together. It includes a programme specifically for children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with 12 themes, 6 areas, over 250 activities and challenges and 1000s of hours of fun and activity. This programme is great for family play and fun.
For children in Key Stage 2 there are carefully selected personal best challenges, skills and games designed for the home and garden. Daily and weekly guidance is provided for both programmes in addition to an option to choose your own themes and activities.
The website address is: home.jasmineactive.com
Parent email: parent@dovelandsp-77.com
Password: dovelandsp
Parent email: