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Dovelands Primary School

A Rights Respecting School


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Your Governors

Full Governing Body

The governing body have statutory responsibilities including agreeing the school budget and expenditure, and ensuring key policies are in place. Governors do not get involved in the day to day running of the school. The role is one of 'critical friend', asking questions and providing challenge and support in any areas which they have expertise. Other key roles of the governing body include:


  • To hold the school account for the educational standards it achieves.
  • Deciding on how the resources of the schools are best used
  • Planning ahead so that the performance of our children and school continue to improve
  • Making sure the school buildings are welcoming and safe
  • Celebrating the school's success


Quality of Education Committee

This Committee concentrates on how children are learning and how well they are learning. The information on this is looked at very closely to make sure that all children are achieving their potential and if this is not the case what is being done to help them to do so.


Finance & Resources Committee

The role of this Committee is to ensure that the school's budget is spent wisely. We want to make sure that the budget is spent on areas where the information tells us there needs to be an improvement. We also need to make sure that we have a rolling programme of maintenance for the school building. This Committee also deals with all staffing issues.


Who Are Your Governors?

Name of Governor

Category of Governor

Linda Osborn

Chair of Governors

Jenny Slinger

Head teacher (ex-officio)

Ruth Nicholas

LA Governor

Wendy Martin


Chris Hughes


Chloe French


Anthony Hibble


Rajiv Hansrani


Adam Jager


Aimie GeraghtyParent

Mandy Shilton


Lynn Wyeth

Clerk to Governors

Members of the school Senior Leadership Team may attend meetings of the Governing Body without voting rights.


Names of the Chair of the Governing Body and Chair of each committee

Full Governing Body Chair: Linda Osborn

Quality of Education Committee Chair: Ruth Nicholas

Finance & Resources Committee Chair: Linda Osborn


Contacting the Chair of Governors

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors you can do so via the school. Please email or send in a letter to the school office addressed to the Chair of Governors.


Becoming a Governor

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact the school via email letting us know what skills and attributes you can offer to the Governing body.

Further Information

Further information about our school and the Governing Body can be found at: Dovelands Primary School - GOV.UK (
