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Dovelands Primary School

A Rights Respecting School


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Teacher Training


The Leicester and Leicestershire SCITT has 65 places on its SCITT and School Direct accredited courses, all offering a full PGCE award with masters credits . Over the past 14 years it has established itself as one of the top primary ITT providers in the country for the quality of its training and outcomes. The head teachers and Course Managers running the SCITT ` have created a culture where high standards and a passion for improving outcomes for pupils permeate every aspect of the course.' (OFSTED 2016). SCITT trainees come from very diverse backgrounds, with very different levels of school and life experience prior to starting the course, but everyone is welcomed into the SCITT community and supported by leading, expert practitioners, to develop their full potential as learners and teachers.

THE SCITT offers the following primary PGCE programmes:

Early Primary PGCE (3-7yrs)

Primary PGCE with a mathematics specialism (5-11yrs)

Primary PGCE with SEN (through our Ash Field Teaching School SD course)

Primary PGCE (5-11yrs)


Dovelands Primary school is proud to have the SCITT on site and be closely associated with this outstanding provider of teacher training. Please visit their website if you would like to know more about training to be a teacher.
