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Music in KS1

Music in KS1


Autumn Term 1: Topic: 'All About Me'. 


Our Questions For Learning:


  • Can I use my voice to sing songs?
  • Can I create a piece of music using my body parts?
  • Can I explain how a piece of music makes me feel?
  • Can I create a piece of music to express emotion?


These questions for learning will give children the opportunity to:


  • sing and learn different songs
  • develop their confidence in creating music
  • perform their creations to their peers
  • understand that music has a beat
  • talk about their opinions, thoughts and feelings
  • learn and perform music in a safe and calm environment

Science and Music

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Our topic this term was 'All about me'. In music we learnt the song 'The Skeleton Dance' - it helped us to learn about the different bones in our bodies. Through music we were able to learn important parts of science. We even wrote about it afterwards!

QfL: Can I create a piece of music using my body parts?

PSHE and Music


Children listened to different pieces of music and they said how the piece of music made them feel. This gave children the chance to explain about what emotions they felt and why the music made them feel that way. Children were able to talk about memories the music reminded them of. The children wrote about this too and later created their own pieces of music to show different emotions. 

Writing and Music

In Literacy this term we have been learning about:


  • Time adverbials (Today, Then, Next)
  • ed endings (verbs e.g. excited)
  • Conjunctions (because, and)
  • Contractions (e.g. can't, it's) 


You will see that in the children's work above, they are applying what they have learnt in literacy! The children have really enjoyed learning music and writing about it. It has been improving their writing and their musical knowledge. 

Performing Music to Show an Emotion

Growth Mindset and Music

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At Dovelands we have been learning about having a growth mindset. We have been learning this song to teach us about 'having a go' and not giving up.