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Dovelands Primary School

A Rights Respecting School


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School Dinners

Many of our children stay for school lunch. The lunches are cooked by our kitchen staff daily. A good variety of dishes are available during the week, including a vegetarian choice every day.


Special dietary needs can be catered for.


At Dovelands we strongly support the School Meals Service and we encourage families to make use of it. Parents and carers may pay on a weekly, half-termly or termly basis.


Children in Foundation Stage 2, Year 1 and Year 2 are all entitled to a free hot dinner as per the Government Initiative.

Please see the link to the claim for Pupil Premium money, which the school receives if you are in receipt of certain benefits.


1 day= £2.81

£14.05 per week


Payment can be made in cashor through your SCOPAY account. 


SCOPAY allows parents, guardians, carers to make payments by credit or debit card for school meals. 

If you have not registered let the office know and an access code will be issued to you. 

Then visit or download the SCOPAY app. 

School Dinner Menu (commencing 9th September 2024)

School Dinner Money Policy

Packed Lunch

Parents who send their children to school with a packed lunch should ensure that no glass bottles are included. We would encourage all parents to send a healthy pack-up and so ask that fizzy drinks and sweets are not included. For the safety of those with nut allergies could you also refrain from sending items that contain nuts. Please mark your child’s lunch box/bag clearly with their full name and class.
